In consideration of the health of our customers, artists, and employees, the following protocols and restrictions will be applied at the gallery and shop. We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus disease.
* High-touch surfaces including elevator buttons and buzzers are frequently disinfected with alcohol.
* Gallery ventilation is maintained at all times using fans and open-doors policies.
* Staff will thoroughly perform health management including daily temperature measurement, hand sanitizing, and wearing masks at all times.
* Staff will maintain a distance of at least one-meter when offering services.
* Opening events and public talks will be postponed until further notice.
* Large groups and school tours are currently not available.
* To make a private viewing appointment, please contact
Entering the building:
* Before entering the building, please wash your hands at the sink located in the garage.
* Please wear a mask upon entering and at all times when inside the building.
* Please use the hand-sanitizing stations, located at the building entrance, elevator, and gallery entrance at 3rd floor.
* If you have the following symptoms, please refrain from entering the building: fever, cough, sore throat, drowsiness and difficulty in breathing.
At the gallery and shop:
* All visitors are required to take a temperature-check.
* Visitors are required to provide their contact information. This information will only be used in the unlikely event of a reported COVID-19 patient within the building, in which case PGI will inform anyone suspected of potential contact. For more information on our privacy policy, please refer to
* Visitors are restricted to 7 people at one time.
* Visitors are asked to maintain social distance of at least two meters apart in the gallery and shop.
We look forward to your visit, and sincerely thank you for your continued support.